Our Programs

Art Lessons
Here at Kreative Kare Child care, our art lessons help bring out your child's creative side! Some of the art lessons we do are hand & foot painting, arts and crafts projects, coloring, and much more.
Imaginative Play
We encourage your children to use their imagination to recreate scenes or experiences they may have had or something that is of interest to them. Imaginative play helps them experiment with decision making on how to behave, as well as helps your children practice their social skills.

Outdoor Play
During outdoor play, we have many activities and toys for the children to play with, including jump ropes, basketballs, scooters, climbing structures, balancing equipment, and much much more!
Music and Movement Dance
Your children will be allowed to express themselves through dancing, music, and instruments.

Kids Yoga
Every day we give your children the option to participate in Yoga class. Yoga Encourages healthy habits, teach self-acceptance, teaches calming techniques, and self-awareness.
Sensory Bins
We have a program where we utilize sensory bins to incorporate a variety of senses: touch, sight, sounds, taste, and smell for your children to learn and explore! Sensory bins are typically a plastic tub or a large container of some sort filled with materials and objects carefully selected to stimulate their senses.
Daily Class Schedule
6:30 Am
Arriving Time/ Handwashing
7:30 Am
8:30 Am
Toileting/Diapering (Handwashing)
9:00 Am
Free Play/outdoors
9:30 AM
circle Time (Handwashing)
10:00 Am
Morning Snack (Handwashing)
10:30 Am
Preschool/floor tummy time infants
11:00 Am
Reading/storytime (Handwashing)
11:30 Am
12:00 Pm
3 Pm
Free Play
3:30 Pm
Snack (Handwashing)
4:00 Pm
Reading & Writing
outdoor/ Free Play (Handwashing)
6 Pm